PLAY : Cities Toys

How to Quickly Email Interesting Web Pages To Yourself
I’m obsessive compulsive when it comes to the consumption of information.

Once I come across what looks like an interesting article which I have no time to read, I have to flag it for later consumption. Different people have their own ways of dealing with articles they come across - and want to read later.

• Some people write an email to themselves with the links to the articles.
• Some also use social bookmarks like
• My browser is strewn with bookmarks of articles which I wanted to read later

“toread” is a free bookmark service, which aims to bring those ‘read-later’ articles directly to your email.

Once you sign up, you can bookmark your “toread” web pages by just clicking the bookmarklet on your browser. The entire webpage is then stripped down, and sent to your email.

Let me just say this. It just works.
• I don’t have to click on a link or open my email to send myself the link
• I don’t have to worry about tagging and untagging an entry in a social bookmark engine
• I don’t have to wade through my disorganized bunch of browser bookmarks because everything is just done in one single click on your browser.

“toread” also has a link suggestion engine which analyses those pages you bookmark and suggest other similar pages for your consideration. The server can be slightly on the slow side at times, but on the whole - it’s one easy way to deal with articles you flag for later reading.
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