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How to Rearrange Your Windows Taskbar
Have too many things open in your Windows taskbar and want to rearrange them? Now you can.

Taskix is a free program which does just that. Keep your eye on the highlighted item below. You can move things around just by dragging and dropping any of your taskbar items, as it gets sorted on the spot. It’s that simple!

Organizing your taskbar items into logical groups cuts through the clutter, and helps with productivity. So much so that it kind of makes you wonder why Microsoft never built this into their system in the first place.

Bonus tip: If you want an alternative which is arguably more powerful as it allows system tray sorting as well, you can try Taskbar Shuffle.

That's the reason why I’m recommending Taskix is because of its incredibly small and lightweight memory footprint in comparison to Taskbar Shuffle (plus I rarely ever need to reshuffle the system tray anyway).
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