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Announcing the YDN Hadoop & Distributed Computing blog
Ever sine I wrote Open Source Distributed Computing: Yahoo's Hadoop Support back in July, interest in Hadoop and Yahoo's work has been on the rise. So I started to get to know the Hadoop team at Yahoo a bit better and help them figure out how to tell more of the story.

We decided that it'd make sense to have a new blog on the Yahoo! Developer Network where we can collect & post news, tips, announcements, videos, and anything else related to Hadoop and distributed computing work.

To kick off the blog, which we're calling Hadoop and Distributed Computing at Yahoo!, I sat down with Eric Baldeschwieler ("Eric14") to do a video interview about Hadoop and Yahoo's involvement.

The more I dig into Hadoop the other projects emerging around it, the more I'm reminded of the early days of MySQL and the maturing of the LAMP stack. It's an exciting time to get involved. You can expect to hear more from me on this topic, both here and on the YDN Hadoop blog.
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