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How to Analyze Your Feedburner Stats in Greater Detail
Blogperfume has recently released an excellent tool for analyzing your feedburner statistics. Taking basic feedburner stats, it churns out excellent reports which help you understand your blog and its subscribers better.

How is your subscriber growth progressing?

This metric helps to determine how you are progressing in gaining subscribers. This is one useful way to look at your past content to perhaps see what works - and what doesn’t for your subscribers and adjust your blog accordingly.

Also, once it sizes up your incremental readers, it can quantify expected growth after certain a timeframe.

How involved are your readers?

Just because someone subscribes to your feed, it doesn’t mean they are reading. Here, you can track a whole slew of other metrics like views, hits, and clicks so you know what your subscribers are actually doing.

Which days do subscribers visit your blog?

This is important simply because you want your best content to be on the blog on the busiest day of the week - hence benefiting the most people.

Bonus tip: You can analyze someone else’s feed as well! Makes an excellent complement to the Netvibes widget we previously discussed which could easily track other people’s feeds.
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